Tuesday, 8 September 2009

The Odeon Cinema."High Town"

The "ODEON" cinema High Town.Two old pics from 1949 and 1968 showing the grand old building.The "ODEON" cinema name was created in 1928 by "Oscar Deutsh" and it was so called "Oscar Deutsh Entertains Our Nation" or the short version we all know"ODEON".
I dont know when Hereford's cinema was first opened but it was pulled down in the 1980s to make way for the Maylords Orchard Shopping Centre.

If anyone can help with any of the dates it opened and closed that would be of great help, even better a couple of your old pics would be much appreciated.


  1. Amazing that Hereford Council saw fit to tear down the Odeon and build the useless monstrosity of Maylord Orchards,

  2. Saturday morning flicks - and a 1000 screaming kids with only the hated monitors trying to keep us under control, and the incessant "Stamping" whenever the film got stuck - guaranteed fun and utter chaos every Saturday - I used to be quiet only during Flash Gordon !!

  3. Downstairs was 6d and up(if you were in the money!)it was 9d...Phew!!

  4. The monitors always said... "sit down, shut up and take your feet off the chairs" my husband was a monitor and that's where we met, over 50 years ago now! $ penn'orth of chips and a penny worth of scratchings when you came out.

  5. Sadly the "Oscar Deutsch Entertains Our Nation" thing was invented by his publicists and is not the source of the term "Odeon". The name was used for cinemas long before he went into the business and in any case was derived from an Ancient Greek term.

  6. Remember the Sauturday morning pictures so vividly, i guess times change.

  7. I loved that place so much my parents would drop myself and my sister off and go shopping. That was for the Saturday morning matinee . I remember so vividly the cinema with the frayed red velvet seats the entrance and the upstairs and downstairs part and just how raucous the audience was it was a total madhouse. If we were good we were allowed to watch the Saturday afternoon feature also on occasion I watching Indiana jones and the temple of doom there.

  8. Be intresing to know the peoples names who worked in there as my nan cynthia jones used to work in there as a cashirer and this is where she met my mums dad who also worked there as a projectinist and his first .name was george thatsv all we know .if some one can help me with this information
