Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Made in Hereford

A couple of old Cider Flagons from Hereford's past.The flagons were found many years ago by an old lady who lived in Mill Street, Hereford. They were found in her cellar and given to Diana Bone who has kindly photographed them for us.
These vessels were used all the time many years ago when a lot Ale Houses would have brewed there own beers and ciders.Its quite difficult to put a date on them but they are probably from around 1890-1910 time.
We have managed to find a little information on the Henry Chiles Flagon from
Jakeman & Carver's Directory of Herefordshire, 1890 - Henry Chiles, Innkeeper, "No. 10", 142 Widemarsh Street, Hereford
Kelly's Directory of Herefordshire, 1885 - Henry Chiles, "No. Ten", Widemarsh Street, Hereford - under Ale & Porter Merchants and Agents. Also under Wine & Spirit Merchants.
By 1895 "No. Ten" 142 Widemarsh Street (PH) is occupied by Humphrey Owens. It seems to be on the corner of Maylord Street and next to The Guildhall. On the other corner of Maylord Street is the Midlands Railway Co's Goods and Parcels Receiving Office.
From Kelly's Directory of Herefordshire & Shropshire, 1895. [Part 1: Herefordshire]
If the 10 on the jar was the "house number" then at some time it got changed to 142. (We know that Mill Street was renumbered at some point too.)

Very Many Thanks to Diana Bone and her brother John Ruck for all there help with this story.

If anybody has any comments please feel free to leave them here on the blog or visit our Facebook page and leave comments.

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