Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Hereford Cider Festival 1973

A short film showing us some of the many events that took place at Hereford's 1973 Cider Festival.
Please do not adjust your sound as unfortunately the film is old cine film and is silent.
Our thanks go to Malcolm Darke for these rare images of Hereford in the 1970s

Please feel free to leave any comments here on the blog or our Facebook page.


  1. I was driving the Hereford Operatic Float publicising the next show "Fiddler on the Roof"in the carnival.The lorry was borrowed from Bartonsham Farm and the cast made the set. The Fiddler perched on the roof of the hut was Dennis Baker.It was a lot of fun!

  2. Just about remember the Cider Festival & it left me questioning if that was when I helped with my old Brownie Pack & we had a float as Apple Blossom that I remember the circles of white tissue cut & coloured pink by the Brownies & parents friends & made into garlands for the Brownies & Brownie Guiders & helpers heads. Cardboard trees with our tissue apple blossom & how did we make that much blossom garlands etc, I'm sure we had a shower of rain & a breeze blowing which meant we had to hold on to our garlands while sitting on the back of the lorry float, luckily we had sides on our lorry float so the Brownies didn't fall off the sides. Blossom like real blossom being blown about everywhere & trying to help & show the Brownies how to hold on to their blossom headband & wave to people lining the processions & smile & hold on to the side of the lorry or something solid & not fall over when the lorry moved. Teenage years I remember of being not exactly a child but not an adult,blurred memories.
