Old picture of the long gone
Anglers Inn in Union Street.Not sure when the pub finally closed it's doors but it was more recently known as part of the
Marches Cafe although it looks a lot different these days.Also nice to see the old
Cheltenham & Hereford Breweries drayman
.Picture; Doug & Olive Prosser
Doug and Oliver Prosser are my Grandparents! Sadly Grandad passed away earlier this year but I'll be sure to show this to my Grandma and maybe we can look out some more old Hereford pics.
Hey, this is my Grandad, his name is Ben Witherstone (senior) does anyone remember him?
Catherine prosser, hi this is Stephen your second cousin, I remember seeing you and your sister at great granddads 100 birthday. My email wurzsjh@hotmail.com
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