Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Hereford Business's,Early 1970s

Just a few of Herefords old business's from the early 1970s, some you may remember some you may have forgot,but still worth a look at.
Any information please contact

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Working Boys Home.

Old picture taken I think around the 1890's of boys from the Working Boys Home.I think the home was situated somewhere in Bath Street at that time.
If anyone can shed any light on this, that would be great,as at the moment i have very little information on the subject.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

The Odeon Cinema."High Town"

The "ODEON" cinema High Town.Two old pics from 1949 and 1968 showing the grand old building.The "ODEON" cinema name was created in 1928 by "Oscar Deutsh" and it was so called "Oscar Deutsh Entertains Our Nation" or the short version we all know"ODEON".
I dont know when Hereford's cinema was first opened but it was pulled down in the 1980s to make way for the Maylords Orchard Shopping Centre.

If anyone can help with any of the dates it opened and closed that would be of great help, even better a couple of your old pics would be much appreciated.