"Ulla Bar" High Town Hereford.This was Hereford's first theme bar and was situated upstairs in the old "
David Garrick Pub". The old bar closed down in the the early 80s and will be fondly remembered by many ex service men from their time in Hereford.The pub has recently
reopened with the the strange name of "
Zombies Hereford".
It"s the Ulla Bar in High Town,
Kim Williams' dads bar. Oula bar (not sure of spelling tho)
Crikey - my first boyfriend - my first alcoholic drink - my first pub! I was 17 going on 18 - !! Exciting stuff! Jenny Stanton
The Old Ulla Bar was propped up mainly by blokes looking for Wiggy Morgan the lady of the night
Is this where Charlie Parkers Bar was?
Wow! Talk about blast from the past? I remember this place well.
It was quite a novelty when it first opened circa 1972 ish. When slide player extraordinaire 'Chesh' and 'Ticky'? were in full cry with the superb band Cold River Lady - Now there's a band that should have become famous. What a voice that girl had - gorgeous! Anyway - I digress.
Unless I'm mistaken the original owner of the bar was Frank xxxxx an ex SAS NCO?
The place unfortunately, went down hill rapidly. Many of the native and military curious Frank had brought back from his travels that adorned the walls etc were stolen and someone tried to set fire to the huge parachute which covered the ceiling.
My last sad memory of the Ullu bar as we called it (like Zulu without the Z lol) was upon my return to Hereford on a visit sometime mid seventies when the place looked so run down and my feet stuck to the once beautiful and plush carpet.
Worst of all, the once rightfully proud owner who deserved and no doubt expected so much more from his fine venture, looked like he had just about had enough of the pub scene and wished he was still serving in forces.
For what it's worth Frank if you ever read this? Thank you for brightening up our lives for a while. Your concept was beautiful and should have been treasured by all.
Wiggy Morgan !!! OMG I haven't heard that name since 1972 ROFLMAO.
Who remembers Tony Burberry of the Grapes and the Booth? What a guy... I've seen him still serving drinks at 4am to residents (cough) of the Booth hall and serving breakfast upstairs at 7am, looking as fresh as a daisy. He must have done that day in day out for years! They don't make em like that anymore
Remember it well! I lived there with my family for 17 years it was called the 'ULU ' (one L not two) bar which means 'down river' in Malayan my Dad 'Big Frank Williams' as he was known spent much of his time whilst in the SAS in Malaya during the 'hearts and minds' operations. He married a local chiefs daughter! the down stairs was 'The long house' bar'. Was a big watering hole for 'the boys' when they were home. The bamboo hut on stilts housed a huge fan.
Dad had had enough of it by the 80s he got all tame with age,although there were some 'blinding scraps' in there, I used to hang out my bedroom window and cheer my Dad on! It is amazing the place didn't go up in flames with all that bamboo. Umpteen times we were hauled out of bed and made to free across high town due to IRA bomb threats made in the pub as it was very much a haunt of 'the boys' I have fond memory's of many of them.
Blimey! Wiggy Morgan' I believe she used to 'lay in wait' on the old bridge and the 'just past selection lads' used to 'run the gauntlet' to try and get past her,if they failed an amount of time spent under the new bridge was payment!
Blimey - what memories !
The Ulu bar (always thought it was a translation for 'jungle').
Wiggy Morgan - your life in your hands.
'Boxer' - on his bike and ditto.
'Askeys' in East Street AKA Ascari's - apparently still going.
The Grapes, Lichfield, Spread Eagle, Imperial and so many more.
So glad I grew up in Hereford !
Happy days Frank was my sponsor when I joined up.God bless him and Les.
Remember it very well... Frank and Les.. Terry and Chrissy behind the bars serving a whole multitude of great characters sad news about Frank.. Glad I left Hereford before the old place went sour so I only have great memories.....
Great bar went there with my dad jimmy ladner mm ex sas mate of franks was a great nite sum real heros got in for a drink was weapons all over the walls good times
Quite right, I happily stand corrected Ulu is the ( Malay?) word for 'Jungle'
Quite right, I happily stand corrected Ulu is the ( Malay?) word for 'Jungle' my Dad's best mate my divine Godfather Geordie Lillico ( RIP) plus two many other very 'special men' taught me well. Forever in their dept. Fair play to my Dad he ran a bloody good ship which served him well, by heck me Dad liked a good ole bit of war chuckle, we had an early intercom system from the bars to our front room, if and when 'it kicked off' and the staff 'intercomed' me Dad he'd say 'keep them there' I'm coming' once THAT hit the 'naughty people' they'd all try to 'get out before he got there, bloody hilarious it would go from silly hand bag slapping to OOOOOOOOOOh shit time to run, naughty boy my Dad the staff were instructed 'make a line' don't let them pass, so he get get stuck right in and have his own 'bit of fun' as he got older and his eye sight was failing him he'd take his glasses off and say to one of the staff 'point me and press me' ............ never will i forget the day he got 'pointed and pressed ' accidentally on a member of his own staff....... oh dear we all screamed 'No Frank No' just in the nice of time he got it and 'released' chuckle, how many times as a kid did i get woken up with 'bang bang bang' as my father would ( having gripped 'naughty peoples' heads from one side to the other on the long passage towards the exit before either launching them headfirst OUT or his other favourite was to plonk them upside down in the bin near our door, I KNEW that 'bang bang bang' from three floors up it was my signal to open my bedroom window and watch how he chose to 'make his final point' ............ it was the bin headfirst or launched. Big cheers from me
My old watering hole
Wonderful pub.it was my local 40 years ago. Frank was a brilliant landlord. Only problem with The Ulla Bar was that it was so close to Gaol Street police station when you had to much G.L.
I remember being taken to this pub in 1982 by a young lady, tessa william.
The memory always stuck with me pub and lovely girl.
Many visits to the Ulu bar 71-- 75. Always great to talk to Frank. Lots of characters and a good atmosphere. Phil McC
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