Top pic; A common site braving the floods in St Martins.
Pic 2; Local Dog Show I think organised by the company sometime in the 1940s.
Bottom pics; Some of the great old buses that could be found in the fleet over the years.
Many Thanks to Mr.Ian Morgan and Gary Morris for their help.
Any information would be gratefully received please contact;
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I lived on Whitfield estate in the 40's and 50's and Morgans was our only bus service. Took me to Hereford High School on week days and into "town" on weekends.
As a young lad my grandparents lived in Kingstone and we used to catch the bus on a weekend to visit them and would ride in the Bedford coaches that Morgan’s used to operate,I was so taken by these buses that I’m now constructing a replica garage and have quite a number of Bedfords and Leyland which will all be in Morgan’s livery
My uncle was, as a young man, one of, the painters, drivers, coach builders at Wye Valley Motors. He is still alive and fairly well and still lives in the area.
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